Reiki Healing

60 Minute Distance In-Depth Reiki Healing Session & Chakra Analysis

In a 60 minute Reiki session, you can choose whether it will be through a video call or absentee (I perform the session in your absence). Both are just as effective, if not more so, than an in-person session! The session includes 30 minutes of Reiki, followed by a 15 minute pendulum clearing. Following the session, an in-depth detailed written interpretation of the session and each chakra, including an overview of the energetic shift that occurred during the Reiki session as well as suggestions for further self-care and energetic maintenance, and three oracle cards for additional insights will be e-mailed to the client. The written interpretation can also include suggested lifestyle changes, spiritual practices, and any additional tools or resources that can help facilitate the client's healing journey, such as specific yoga poses, meditation techniques, books, or other modalities.


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